Thursday, 25 April 2013



We set out from Mwandi at 1000h on Friday morning in the newly-serviced mission bus for the journey to Kabwe. Unworried was our driver. The new tires and shocks would enhance our comfort and safety on the deteriorating pot-holed sections of the road. The all age group of 18, consisting of the Minister and his family, the Deaconess and her relatives with supporters from the Consistory and congregations headed for the UCZ Synod Executive, the equivalent of the General Assembly, for the ordination and commissioning services which would take place on the Sunday. The back seat was commandeered for the assortment of all our suitcases, bags, crates and cool boxes that were carefully stacked there, bonded like bricks, or one of those cube puzzles, to utilize the space available as fully and effectively as possible.

The next stop two hours later was a quick visit to Coillard Church and the Livingstone shopping mall for banking, shopping, talk-time and lunch. With Hungry Lion chicken and chip carry-outs, Cokes and Cabanas, we again started off on the trip north, through Zimba to Kalomo where we dropped off crates and had a children’s ‘pit-stop’;  then on to Choma where we picked up Deaconess Josephine and her big brother and  also took on fuel. The next stop was in Mazabuka, outside Debonair Pizzas, where we handed over Arissa, a Mwandi granddaughter, to family there and received a massive pizza to share out in return. We trundled on over the Munali Hills to Kafue, Innocent’s home-town. He would overnight here and rejoin the group tomorrow. The sun was setting as we passed Munda Wanga Zoo and the Chilanga Cement works on the final stretch to Lusaka in thickening traffic.

We were welcomed by ululating, flapping chitenges and the Zambian cheek to cheek embrace and handshakes at St Paul’s Church where the Lusaka Presbytery has its office.

The St Paul’s and Mwandi Anamoyo (Women’s Christian Fellowship) are twinned so the St Paul’s Anamoyo had prepared a delicious and rib-sticking supper of nshima, chicken, mixed cut beef and cabbage. We enjoyed the meal and fellowship and after the Rev Kasovu’s prayer and blessing, we then scattered to the various places arranged for overnight accommodation. The next morning we all gathered together outside the Church as we arrived back from all over Lusaka; the Mwandi-exiles in Lusaka also came to say hello and see us off to Kabwe.

By mid-morning we were on our way to Kabwe, contrasting the tall khaki coloured maize in the fields at Chisamba, with the stunted frazzled crop at home. We received a warm welcome from the Rev Lydia Mwale at All Saints with thirst-quenching chilled watermelon while accommodation was prepared. Again this was another good opportunity for some of the group to meet up and stay with friends and relatives.

The bus picked us up just after 0800h to take the group, resplendent in the red black and white of the Anamoyo and Alume uniforms and the Lozi women’s Musissi dresses. Like the Scots and the kilt, the musissi and siziba are worn by the Lozis for special occasions and celebrations; I did wonder about combining the MCF red jacket and kilt but thought better of it! I think we’d need to design a special MCF tartan.

St Peters is on the southern outskirts of Kabwe. The old church is too small for the young and growing congregation so a new structure is being erected. It presently consists of the concrete slab with a large rectangular barn-like steel framework which is roofed. The windows, walls and doors and interior walls have still to be tackled. It however provided a wonderful shaded and fresh air-conditioned canopy for the ordination and commissioning service. Before the service the opportunity was taken to greet old friends and acquaintances and make connections. In the world it is said than on meeting anyone you are only three people away from being known in the Church family even closer and is easy to find some-one mutually known. We met up with Sulota Drong, our old friend from Mwandi, the Bangladeshi Mission Partner and Nursing Officer at Mbereshi, who had also been invited to the Synod Executive.

The service began with the procession of the ordinands, and the participating UCZ clergy, headed by the Synod Bishop, Rev Mutale Mulumbwa. The worship leader was Rev David Mujumila, North Western  Presbytery Bishop and the preacher was Rev Musonda Bowa. After the call to worship, the opening hymn -How great Thou art in Bemba-, the prayers of approach, confession, intercession and the Apostle’s Creed, Deaconesses Author Nyondo and Josephine Kabamba were commissioned and presented with a Bible and towel to remind them to be a witness to the Gospel and of their calling to servanthood in supporting the weak, binding up the broken, gathering in the outcast, welcoming the stranger and seeking the lost.

Next followed the presentation of the ordinands who had previously been licentiate probationers in various presbyteries; they were Elijah Chisulo NE Presbytery, Mwenya W Kangwa N Pres, Charles Musonda N Pres, Howard Haamwinga NW Pres, Melvin Mubanga  S Pres, Godfrey Gama S Pres, Oscar Musonda S Pres and Wezi Manda W Pres. After affirmation and reading and signing the oath the ordinands were dressed in their white cassocks, white rope girdles and red stoles embroidered with a cross of their choice. They too received a Bible as a sign of being Ministers of Word and Sacrament.
It was  moving to then offer them the right hand of fellowship.

The Readings were Psalm 24:1-2, John 21:4-8 and Hebrews 11:8-11 and the theme of the sermon was Prudent Stewardship by a Prudent Engineer. Rev Bowa took three heads from them firmness, being satisfied with God’s provision – the lines from Psalm 65 came to mind here: We surely shall be satisfied by thy abundant grace – and finally connectivity – vertically and horizontally.

The Ministers Deaconesses and invited clergy celebrated the Lord’s Supper in the French fashion standing in a horse-shoe around the Communion Table. This was followed by the offering, the final hymn, 200 in the Bemba Hymnary – I am so glad that our Father in heaven - and the benediction.

After lunch at the Diakonia Centre the Mwandi Party minus Ida and me set off for Lusaka to overnight there again and proceed to Mwandi on Monday, where they arrived safely in the evening.


After lunch on Sunday we were invited to the opening session of the Synod Executive, chaired by the Synod Bishop. The General Secretary Rev Peggy Kabonde Mulambya had sent invitations to all Mission Partners serving with the UCZ. This was another time to greet and catch up with old friends that we had not seen for some time including the Health Secretary Rev Sitali and Albert Chituka, the Head at Chipembi who was acting Education Secretary.

Prior to this the Executive had been busy with pastoral issues, the Finance Committee and planning and development. The theme for the meeting was Seeking the Church transformed through prudent stewardship.

After roll call and the choosing of officers the welcome and notices and adoption of the previous minutes we went to matters arising and the action sheet. This covered a wide area of concerns including Church lands, pensions and increments, Health and Education institutions, building, twinnings, media, radio and communications and policies manuals for scholarships and study, doctrinal guidance for congregations and finally a document on preachers and lay-preachers. Health and education matters were dealt with including Church schools, health clinics and the inclusion of both Chipembi and Mindolo as faculties in the new UCZ University. 

The major issue discussed at this session was the UCZ Investment Complex. This will comprise of 2 buildings, one office and one residential; all office units and apartments would be leased. The Fundraising Committee is levying K10 per urban member and K5 for rural members; there remains a need to further sensitise some presbyteries and their consistories where committees are yet to be formed. The National Committee would be starting out in faith soon and begin to build, while a coordinator would shortly be appointed to help organize and bring together this and other Church projects.

On Monday morning we met up with again with Sulota, Liton and Laya Mozunder and their children Akash and Chandra who serve at Chipembi. Laya is the school nurse and Liton is the accountant at the Agricultural College. Also with us were Edward and Marina Summadar with their now 3 year old daughter, Prokriti. Marina is a former Mwandi nurse too, but they are now stationed in Choma. Marina is the school nurse at Njase School and Edward is a Church Social Worker in Choma. They have a little daughter, Prokriti.

After devotions each of us were asked to address the Executive and report about our life and work as Mission Partners in Zambia. This was a useful and appreciated opportunity to share the successes and challenges each of us face and to thank Synod and the UCZ for their help and support.

Following our slot, the meeting continued with recommendations from the Christian Training Committee and from Appointments and Stationing. It was here that the Rev K Munjita was appointed and took his seat as Constitution, Rules and Regulation Officer.

The Mission and Evangelism Committee then gave is report. There was reinforcement of the standards expected with clerical attire and the liturgical colours used for drops at different seasons and occasions in the Church Year. Mention was made of the growing trend of removing pulpits and wooden pews and replacing them with plastic garden furniture. It was emphasized that the pulpit is a special sign and symbol of special significance to the Reformed tradition of which the UCZ is a part.

Highlights from the Board of Trustees were presented including the requirement for all Congregations, Consistories and Presbyteries submit building plans to Synod for ratification. The UCZ Theological College presented its report. The next item on the Agenda was the Misprol Board’s brief report covering the Diakonia Centre, Mpongwe Beekeeping Enterprises, United Church Printers (UCP) and Chilomba Farms. 

We adjourned in the early afternoon and after lunch Ida and I caught the bus to Lusaka. Then the Bishops, clergy and executive met with the Honorable Wynter Kabimba, Patriotic Front Secretary General and Minister of Justice, to receive an update on the state of the nation and hear about the Governments commitment to fight corruption. He said that corruption was a vice and sin and deprives citizens of much needed resources and can eventually kill those most in need. The Church should be unequivocal in its condemnation of corruption and abuse of power but should also commend and encourage law enforcement agencies in this struggle.


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

In His Footsteps

 Each denomination has its own natural places of pilgrimages, often after hearing about the life of a pioneer Christian who worked in a particular place, comes the desire to visit and follow in their footsteps. This month marks the 200th Anniversary of the birth of David Livingstone and to celebrate this, the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, the Right Rev Albert Bogle, invited by our Sister-Church, the United Church of Zambia, paid a visit to Zambia, where Livingstone began his journeys to the East and West and where his heart is buried. As part of the commemoration the Moderator and his travelling companions flew from Lusaka to spend two days with us here in the South and West of Zambia where Livingstone explored and evangelized.

Reverends Manyando & Sivile and Deaconess Mubita with Ida and me met and welcomed the Moderator, his wife, Martha, Rev Ian Alexander, the Council Secretary of the World Mission Council and Carol Finlay, the Twinning and Local Development Secretary off the Proflight plane late on Tuesday afternoon. Incidentally, Ida and Carol are both Newburgh girls and were in the Guides together. We immediately set off for Mwandi Mission, through the Mosi oa Tunya Game Park where the giraffes, zebra and impala who were obviously waiting and lining the roadside, obliged us with several fine photo opportunities.

We arrived in Mwandi in time for an Inshima, Cabbage, Chicken and Fish Buffet Supper in Tutwa Mission House with local Church workers and individuals from the Mission Hospital and Schools’ Management. It was a good time of fellowship with much joy in the laughter, stories and conversation. We ended this evening with a devotion led by Rev Wezi Manda who stressed that our coming to meet and eat together, hailing as we do from the East and West, North and South to extend God’s Kingdom was a start to Jesus’ prayer that we all may be one and a foretaste of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. We were here in this rural Mission on the banks of the Zambezi from all over Zambia, Scotland, Italy and Indonesia; our earthly fellowship here and now, foreshadowing our final fellowship with God and pointing to a greater reality than the present. It was David Livingstone’s work for God exactly150 years ago that had brought us here. We closed by singing ‘We are here by the grace of God’ and then in prayer led by Father Klements, from St Arnold’s Catholic Mission.

After breakfast on Wednesday we undertook a tour of the all areas of Mission Ministry run by the Church. These are our attempts at practical Christianity in action rooted in the here and now, the every day in front of us, showing that our pilgrimage is not all about other-worldly-spirituality.  The party met the residents and workers in Kandiana, our sheltered village for the aged, then we saw the farm with its butchery, layers, dairy, beef, pigs and fish. Time was spent with the Hospital Adminstrator followed by a tour of the Wards, Theatre, Pharmacy and Out Patients. We next moved on to the Orphan and Vulnerable Children’s Centre seeing all of the opportunities and activities it has to offer. After that next on the list was a visit the Basic and High Schools and finally the Mission Pre-School and Church.

The Paris Mission, sent by the Church of Lesotho, was the founder of the present-day UCZ Mwandi Mission, the oldest Mission Station in Zambia. A bell stands in front of the Church, a gift from the Church of Lesotho, inscribed in Sesotho with the text from 1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God but that he loved us. The Gospel was brought here at considerable cost and there is a plaque to the first casualty in 1878, Eleazer, an Evangelist from Lesotho and colleague of Coillard, who died of fever.

The ground for a new and larger sanctuary has been cleared. This new Church will stand on the site of the original building. This area is where Livingstone preached the Gospel for the first time on the North Bank of the Zambezi to a congregation of around 600.
The first Church was a burned brick and thatched sanctuary that was opened on Christmas Day in 1913 and dedicated by Rev Jean Roulet. This unfortunately burned down and was replaced by the present Church building.

After an early lunch we set off for the meeting with UCZ’s Livingstone Consistory at the Coillard Memorial Church. En route we stopped off at Kasaya to see the rural Church that will have its thatched roof replaced by corrugated iron sheets with help from a Scottish congregation. We were warmly greeted by the choir and church office-bearers and enjoyed a short time of music, song, talk and laughter together. It was another opportunity to celebrate with friends and companions we met on the way. We followed again in Livingstone’s footsteps through Sikaunzwe, past Mambova, Kazungula, Katombora, Simonga and on to Livingstone 

There we were welcomed by the Anamoyo Choir, an MCF Quartet and the Consistory Officebearers and the Church workers Reverends Manyando, Sevile and Kaluba and Deaconesses Mubita and Sivile. The Moderator led the devotion on Hebrews 11:1&2 Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses…… let us run the race…..Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. We are like those before us, resident aliens, citizens of heaven put on earth to run the race to completion. Our pilgrimage has a purpose and goal, looking to Jesus and finding our way to the perfect place. Livingstone Consistory then presented a paper on Twinning. The sharing and discussion that followed also wove in neatly to the pilgrimage theme. Twinning is about walking together, a commitment to building mutually beneficial relationships, exchanging, hosting, sharing joys and sorrows, giving and receiving, praying, worshipping and reaching out together. All of this, over time, leads to a sense of belonging and oneness.

We overnighted in Livingstone and the next morning set off for the Smoke that Thunders - the Victoria Falls. Livingtone using scientific lyricism in his ‘Missionary Travels’ decribes them thus: 

The mass of water causes clouds of vapour to ascend, as it leaps clear of the rock and forms a thick unbroken fleece all the way to the bottom. Its whiteness gave the idea of snow, a sight I had not seen for many a day. As it broke into pieces, all rushing in the same direction, each gave off rays of foam as bits of steel burned in oxygen gas, give off rays of sparks. The snow-white sheet seemed like myriads of small comets rushing on in one direction, each of which left behind its nucleus rays of foam; scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight.

The Falls are a spectacularly beautiful and impressive site to eye various aspects of the natural beauty of creation. From the climate and vegetation, with its tropical rainforest and wild flowers, the geology with the black basalt rocks and the raw power of the falling water at this time of year, cannot help but reinforce the idea of Eden untouched since the creation, reminding us that all life east of Eden can be considered a pilgrimage. It is easy there to feel God’s presence and feel present to God.

However, in the timeless there is also the immediate and there are few things less mystical than the feel of sodden clothes and the smell of a wet sweaty plastic pancho or few things more glaikit-looking than smiling, drookit and dreepin individuals with rolled-up trousers and kilted-up dresses!

This was rectified after a dash to the airport and a quick change into dry clothes, before saying farewell and the visitors taking the flight to South Africa. For us and the visitors we feel it was a time out for a bit of reflection, an outward expression of an inward journey, time spent on the edge with Christ as guide, and then our return to our more usual lives and work. We thank every one for their help in making this visit so positive an experience and for living up to the Lord’s words in his gospel that ‘whoever welcomes you welcomes me’.